Monday, May 14, 2007

CIOSA and Udhavum Ullangal invite nominations for Dr K S Sanjivi Awards 2007

The Confederation of Indian Organizations for Service & Advocacy (CIOSA) and Udhavum Ullangal Public Charitable Trust invite nominations for Dr K S Sanjivi Award from NGOs, voluntary institution and general public to award doctors and institutions who have served exemplarily for the poor and needy.

The award was instituted in the year 2004 in the name of Dr. K.S. Sanjivi, Founder of Voluntary Health Services, Taramani, who is considered the pioneer of community health care services in Chennai and a visionary of the very concept of Community Health. The award recognizes and honours doctors and institutions that exemplify Dr. Sanjivi's ideal of dedication to the practice of medicine as a human service vocation and have a track record of non-commercial services to the poor and the needy without compromising professional excellence.